Goal Setting

Where do you want to be in five years? When you’re trying to figure out what to put on a vision board, this can be the most important question to ask. The things on your vision board should be all about your innermost desires for your future, because the more i think about vision boards the more I realize that they really do work.

Simply because I’m thinking more about what I want out of my future I’ve already been more productive than I was before I started this project. I’m getting more homework done than ever and I haven’t had such a small amount of late work since middle school. I’ve learned that you don’t need to know where your future is going to have hopes and dreams for it.


Setting goals for yourself is a really important concept. That’s why, when it came to choosing what goes on my vision board, I chose to start by clearly defining my goals.

Since middle school, I’ve been taught that you should set smart goals. The word smart, in this case, is an acronym, and it means that your goal should be clearly defined, somewhat simple to achieve, and you need a limit on the time it should take to achieve your goal.

  • S- Specific
  • M- Measurable
  • A- Achievable
  • R- Realistic
  • T- Timely

I  have two main goals that I want to put on my vision board. The first goal I have is to go on a mission trip with my church. To represent this on my board I plan to look up the missions they have planned for the next year and put pictures of the place I want to go up on my vision board.

My second goal is just to live a healthier lifestyle. I should be going to school everyday, eating healthy, and working out regularly. I’ve always had a hard time with making it to school everyday, so this one could be a bit of a challenge.

The goals you set should be unique to you. They are the most important part of your vision board, because it’s what you center the whole look and feel of your board around.

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